If I Stay – Book Review

Rating: 4


If I Stay has it all. A flourishing friendship, bittersweet romance and enduring family. While this story was set in an insanely short space of time, Gayle Forman still manages to create a beautiful novel so effortlessly that I grew to love.

Gayle Forman puts readers in a position that other authors never have before. And I see why many authors may not have tried. Because it’s hard. It’s difficult endeavour, and Forman did a darn good job at making this story, a moving and powerful story. Life was good for Mia before the car accident. She had both parents, a little brother, boyfriend and best-friend. But after the accident, she’s only got a boyfriend and a best-friend.  When Mia finds herself looking down at her butchered body, she needs to decide, if she goes, so she can be with her family or if she stays. A short novel expanded my momentous flashbacks, we watch Mia’s past seventeen years like a film, and us readers, get torn between the decision as well. Stay or leave?

I found it hard to engage with Mia – but considering she was disconnected from the word I’m not surprised that I was disconnected from her.  However it wasn’t hard to not like Mia. Given her tragic conditions – on the death bed, her passion for music was rather a huge bonus. Music has always been part of my life, and I am a fan of classical music and playing it – it soothes me when I go crazy. Her relationship with music and love was beautifully written and I thought it was very interesting way to look at the world. Mia’s best friend, Kim also happened to be one of my favourite characters. She was so fiery and full of love for Mia, I honestly wish I could have Kim as my bestie.

But no one beats Adam. Yes, he got irritated easily but being flawless is rather unattractive, right? There are so many quotable sentences by him I simply must share a one of my favourites:

“If you stay, I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll quit the band, go with you to New York. But if you need me to go away, I’ll do that, too. I was talking to Liz and she said maybe coming back to your old life would be too painful, that maybe it’d be easier for you to erase us. And that would suck, but I’d do it. I can lose you like that if I don’t lose you today. I’ll let you go. If you stay.”

This is a beautifully written novel about love and life. It Kind of snuck up on me. I didn’t think I was into this story but I started to tear up during one of the scenes (it was the one when Gramps came in to talk to Mia) and I had to reach for tissues. I’ve heard such great things about Gayle Forman’s books and I’m so glad that I decided to read one. I will definitely be n the look out to read more from this fantastic YA author.



Top Ten Tuesday – Characters who remind me of myself or someone I know



I think that in every book there is a character that reminds me of someone I know or even myself and most of you probably can relate to that.

This weeks topic:  Characters who remind me of myself or someone I know.

(In no particular order)

  1. Hermione Granger (Harry Potter) While I was growing up and reading the Harry Potter series, Hermione totally reminded me of one classmate who was that geeky over achiever that did extra reports just for the fun of it, who constantly had her hand raised, and though you were crazy for not wanting to be in class. It was awesome to see a character like that who played such an important role in the series.
  2. Mrs. Bennet (Pride and Prejudice) – Pretty much all of my aunts and most female relatives. They just can’t stop themselves from asking, every time that they see me, which I have to say it’s quite often, if I have a boyfriend or if I’m even thinking of getting married and he, whoever he is, should be rich.  
  3. Catherine Morland (Northanger Abbey) – In this novel, Catherine totally finds herself caught up in the fiction she reads to the point that it causes drama in her love life. Yeah, that’s totally happened to me and I can totally see it happening to me in the future.
  4. Katy Swartz (Obsidian) – Katy obviously reminds me of myself, she’s a book lover and it’s easy to relate to all the funny little things she says about  all her book loving and blogging things!
  5. Molly Weasley (Harry Potter) –  Reminds me of my mommy. My mom cooks and cleans her way through the house! But, just like Mrs. Weasley, you do not want to get on her bad side or mess with her kids.
  6.  Rose Hathaway (Vampire Academy) – She really reminds me a lof of my best friend MT. She is strong and doesn’t allow anything to stop her in what she wants to do in life even though she has an underlying soft spot and a fear of a lot of things. She gets knocked down a lot and still somehow manages to pick herself back up. She is unwaveringly loyal to her friends (even though they have their ups and downs) and she fights for those she loves to the death. That is her in a nut shell. In my honest opinion she’s strong when needed to be though, she has her weak moments. She tries and takes life by the horns and live life to the fullest. Friends and family come before herself. Maybe that’s why I connect with Rose so much.
  7. Charlie Bucket (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) – Charlie is the kind, loving, good soul that grounds the book.  He is a dreamer.  The same can be said of my friend, LS.  He is kind, loving and the good soul that grounds me.  He props me up when I need it and tells me the honest truth when he thinks I need it.  He like Charlie, is the underdog that I root for.  His life hasn’t always been easy.  Yet, he soldiers on, always with a kind word and a gentle manner, always trying to better himself, to make his life meaningful and rewarding.  I can’t wait to see how he turns out.  There are great things in store for him.  I can just feel it.
  8. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter) – I like to think that on my better days I channel Luna’s aloof spirit. I’ve always marched to the beat of a different drummer and endured a healthy dose of ridicule for it from my peers as a child. Yet like Luna, I know the value of staying true to yourself, even if that makes you a flamingo among sparrows.

  9. Amy Curry (Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour)Like Amy my friend, AR, tends to be somewhat reserved and guarded. She doesn’t open up to people quickly, and usually gives them limited information about herself. To be honnest I’ve never understood why when you first meet some people they tell you their entire life story.
  10. Jo March (Little Women) – I’ll take the leap. I always find myself gravitating back to Jo each year, reading Little Women with slightly different eyes. Each time I read it, I want to be like Amy or Beth, but I always end up with Jo. She’s a tough girl – the tomboy – and the one who speaks her mind and shows her beliefs by her actions. Like Jo, I’ve never been entirely comfortable in my place in the world, and have felt slightly off of my friends and colleagues. It takes a while for Jo to find her place in the world and when she does, it’s not necessarily where everyone expects her to be. Still, she ends up happy, and that’s all I could ever ask for myself.


Lola and the Boy Next Door – Book Review

Rating: 5

 I stupid-love Anna and the French Kiss. Like, there are few books out there that make me as happy as that book does. I haven’t swooned and giggled over a book like I did with Anna in a long time, and I was exceptionally worried that Lola would always be second best. But to my delightI found Lola to be an even better book than Anna, even if it didn’t have that enchanting, otherworldly quality that Anna had due to the presence of Gay Paree. No, what Lola had going for it was a reality, a sort of grounded eclectic-ness due to the heroine and the setting, the fabulous-as-always San Francisco. It also had Cricket Bell, who is worth all the stars ever.

Lola Nolan, is an aspiring fashion designer, who can’t wait to grow up. There were moments when Lola seemed too mature for her own good. I was a little taken back when I realized that her boyfriend, Max, was so much older than her. I understood Lola’s attraction to him – what teen girl doesn’t go swoony when a hot musician pays attention to her? What I couldn’t understand was why Max was so attracted to Lola. I spent a large portion of the book being angry with him. Lola wasn’t allowed to be a teen when their relationship was weighing her down. Max was forcing her to act older and forsake her friends and family. While I appreciate that Perkins painted this as a dysfunctional relationship, I was still really bothered by it. What disgusted me the most about Max was the fact that he makes Lola into a weaker character by degrading her and letting herself question who she is.

A couple of the unexpected twists in the novel are Lola’s two gay dads. It was incredible seeing how seamlessly Perkins weaved such amazing characters into a novel that deals with accepting differences. Lola herself is extremely unconventional. But it doesn’t simply stop at her appearance, but at her choices in love.

Cricket Bell adds another delicious layer to Lola’s heart struggles. He’s a hard one to resist. I liked that he was as endearing as St. Clair, but he didn’t seem like a recycled version of the boy who had already stolen my heart. Cricket is sweeter and shyer than St. Clair. He doesn’t have that strong charisma and sense of self. In many ways, he is a mirror of Lola. Neither of these characters sees themselves clearly in the beginning. Cricket is the handsome nerd who gravitates toward the girl he has known his whole life who is full of sparkles and light. I loved that he knew what he wanted and never wavered – even when Lola was being difficult. He is the type of guy that ever girl should dream about and every parent should wish for in a significant other for their child. Stephanie Perkins is a master at creating fictional boys that capture hearts and inspire romantic musings; her hot boy writing skill is one of the best out there.

The pacing of the novel is awesome. I loved that Perkins does not conclude her story where most authors would, but instead satisfies our curiosity by continuing until the events beyond the book are obvious. The dialogue is sharp and witty, effectively demonstrating the characters’ personality.

There are several things I loved about this book: The setting, the childhood memories, the romance, the awkward situations Lola constantly manage to get into, get to read a little about Anna and Etienne relationship.

Even with its faults, Lola and the Boy Next Door is a great read for a rainy day, or just for lounging around the house. I recommend Perkin’s novel to fans of her previous novel Anna and the French Kiss. Also, if you love romantic Y/A fiction and protagonists who speak their mind and have their own special quirks, then you just might end up loving this one.





The Darkest Minds – Book Review

Rating: 4

What can I say about The Darkest Minds that will sum up its total awesomeness? I was a little worried about starting it because of how much hype surrounds it, but I wasn’t let down at all and I ended up loving it.

What made this such a phenomenal read? The characters, by and far. Ruby, the protagonist, grew on me as the book went on. Although her experiences are unlike anything I (and most readers) have ever been through, her emotions are easily understandable. It’s the supporting cast, though, that really stand out. Liam (oh, he’ll make you melt), Zu, and especially Chubs are just perfectly created. Chubs, much to my surprise, became my favorite character by the story’s end. His development is done so naturally and his attributes are revealed in small but endearing ways. Zu is another great example of Bracken’s skill; she doesn’t say a single word the entire novel, but is one of the sweetest, funniest characters. One of the challenges of a first book in a series is to get readers fully invested in the characters so early on in their stories, but Bracken succeeded. It’s because of this cast that I choked up twice during TDM.

It’s so easy to get lost in the world created in The Darkest Minds. I was so invested in the lives of the characters that I felt what they were feeling. My facial expressions must have been a sight to witness when I read this because the imagery used makes everything feel very realistic. Not to mention that I’m the same age as many of the characters so, if this was real, I would be in the same situation. Let me tell you that I would not survive a day.

The camps reminded me a lot of Nazi concentration camps during the Second World War and there were many similarities – the human testing and the harsh work, for example. I can’t imagine being put into one of the camps, helpless and frightened. The camp that Ruby was in, especially, was extreme and I would have been petrified.

So yes, you could definitely say that this book is packed with emotion. It’s a rollercoaster ride- to use a cliche- one that I couldn’t put down. Because there’s just as much action as there is emotion.  You never know what’s going to come next, but whenever anything is going well for these kids, you know that’s going to change fast.

think my very favorite part of the book was the plot twist at the end, but at this moment I’m not really sure of my emotions. I both hated and loved the ending. Ruby grew so much as a character because of the decision she made, and that’s why I think it’s my favorite part of the book.

Overall, I think THE DARKEST MINDS has a great dystopian foundation.





My Life Next Door – Book Review

Rating: 5

It’s rare to read a book you love through and through, from beginning to end. My Life Next Door was that book for me. Sometimes when I love a book so much as I did this one, it’s hard for me to put my feelings into words, so bear with me.

My Life Next Door is the kind of story that you expect to be light and fluffy . . . but then it surprises you.
I thought this book would be very cliché: little rich girl falls for the boy next door; gets a whole new perspective on life through the eyes of a financially-strained, but very happy — unlike her own — family; and learns something big about herself over the course of one short summer. In a lot of ways, that is what this book is about. But, in truth, it is about so much more.

Samantha has lived a sheltered life and you could say she comes from the ‘right side of the fence’.  She has a sister who is just a bit older than she is and they live with their Mom, Grace.  Their father walked out when Grace was pregnant with Samantha.  To say that Samantha’s mom has issues is a bit of an understatement.  For example, she is obsessed with the vacuum cleaner.  When they leave the house she goes behind them to ensure that the carpet is vacuumed (the lines of a freshly vacuumed carpet must always be viable) and this is repeated several times a day.  However even with these little ‘quirks’ her mom has managed to become pretty successful, the help of her own trust fund helped tremendously I would assume.  She entered into politics and managed to become a Senator in their state of Connecticut.  Grace likes things controlled, orderly and neat.

Enter the Garretts.  They move into the house next door when Samantha is seven.  From the moment they move in it is clear to Samantha that she is not to socialize with them.  They are a large family and her mom wants her and her sister to have nothing to do with them and she is always making rude and snide comments about them.  However, Samantha finds them fascinating and has always found herself watching them.

The 2 oh-so different houses next door set a fabulous backdrop for Jase to rescue Samantha from drowning in the quiet and order as her mom is further consumed with her political career while dating her campaign manager.   For years, Samantha has wondered and dreamed what it would be like to be a Garrett from the little ledge outside her room.  Little did she know, Jase was wondering the same.

The bulk of this novel is about Samantha getting to know — and fall for — both Jase and his family. But towards the end, as the publisher synopsis says, there is a big obstacle that is dropped on Sam’s and the Garrett’s heads, an obstacle that is not overcome easily. I wish there could have been a bit more resolution at the end with it, but as a whole I think the climax was handled well.
And, on a side note, can I just say how utterly sexy some of this book is? I wasn’t expecting that, either, but I love surprises.

The first thing that stands out with this book is how realistic it is, especially in terms of first love and sex—especially sex. I’m going to be completely honest and say I have never read a book that dealt with teen sex so well. Ever. (Spoiler alert: Samantha and Jase have sex, in case you hadn’t gathered that.) The two romantic interests discuss having sex beforehand, Samantha mulls it over in her head and is understandably nervous, they buy condoms together beforehand, and when they do have sex after (having discussed it and thought it over for a while), it’s awkward and messy and not, you know, butterflies and rainbows, etc. I was unbelievably impressed with that aspect of My Life Next Door. Actually, I think it was the best part; young adult fiction needs more portrayals of sexuality like this one. Bravo, Ms Fitzpatrick. Bravo!

Truly, I don’t feel that my words can properly describe how much I loved this book, or how much I got out of it, or how much I wish more people would discover it and feel for it what I did. Does that mean this book was perfect? No, because no book is. But honestly, it was perfect for me. I’m extraordinarily pleased with it — so much so that I plan to reread it this summer — and will certainly be reading more from Fitzpatrick in future.



Eleanor and Park – Book Review

Rating: 4

I will star by being completely honest by admitting that  I had this book sitting on my desk for a few months and I don’t know why exactly, mostly because I wasn’t sure if I was going to enjoy it. I couldn’t have been more wrong. It’s such a wonderful book.

If I could use one word to describe this story, it would be “adorable”. Eleanor and Park fell in love on the bus listening to ’80’s music and reading comic books. Can it get any cuter than that? I submit that it cannot! Told in alternating points-of-view, this story will grab onto you and not let you go until the ending.

This book gave me that melty, clenchy feeling in my chest, the warm fuzzies in my stomach. I was basically a mess throughout the entire thing. These two characters had my emotions going up and down like someone was beating on them with one of those sledgehammers at a carnival, trying to get them to climb to the top of that lit up pole again and again. And every time I thought they couldn’t go any higher, Park would do or say something else that sent me flying up, up, up…

Eleanor is the new girl in school. She describes herself as chubby and plain. After her mother’s abusive husband kicked Eleanor, she moved in with some family friends. Now, a year later, she’s back living with her mother, step-father, and siblings in a new town and a rather cramped house. The first day of school she gets on the bus and every kid pulls a “you-can’t-sit-here” (think Forrest Gump). The only seat available is the one next Park, and he is less than welcoming.

Eleanor refers to Park as “the stupid Asian kid,” which totally made me giggle. Unlike Eleanor, Park has a relatively normal family. The son of a Vietnam war veteran and Korean native, Park is a music junkie and a boss in taekwondo. Most of the time, he keeps to himself. He doesn’t want to like Eleanor, but it doesn’t take him long to realize that fighting his feelings is a losing battle.

Their love story was slow-building, which is probably my favorite kind of love story (Just like The Fault in Our Stars and Anna and the French Kiss). Park lends Eleanor his headphones and Sony Walkman, and she is immediately drowning in the emotions the music evokes. The adorableness continues when he makes her mix tapes and brings comic books especially for her. It doesn’t take long for their seat buddy status to change from acquaintances to friends to something more. Leading up to the “shouting-from-the-rooftops I love you” moment, Eleanor and Park share secret looks and stolen glances.

Let me tell you, Eleanor & Park contains the hottest hand-holding scene of ALL TIME, hands down (pun intended).

Park always tugged on Eleanor’s scarf or nudged her with his shoulder, but he never actually touched her skin. The build-up to this was almost unbearable.

“As soon as he touched her, he wondered how he’d gone so long without doing it. He rubbed his thumb through her palm and up her fingers, and was aware of her every breath.”

“When he touched, Eleanor’s hand, he recognized her. He knew.”

GAH. I cannot with him. Can. Not. He’s definitely top-five-book-boy material. I don’t think I’ve ever flailed so hard over a simple hand holding scene.

Eleanor tries hard to hide her family life from Park, but he eventually finds out the horrible truth and is willing to do anything to help her get out. His protectiveness and caring nature is what I love most about him. He no longer cared what anyone at school said about her or what his family thought of her. He only wanted her. Just her. No matter what.

Sadly, as Park and Eleanor learn the hard way, sometimes not all first loves are meant to be forever…or are they?

The end of this book left me in tears. Like, legit streaming down my face, stuttering, had to get up and leave the room so that my cat wouldn’t think I was crazy. Any book that as that effect on me usually goes straight to my favorites pile, but I’ll admit, I knocked this one down a star because this ending – though it made sense -was…kind of unfulfilling. I wanted more! I wanted her to CALL HIM. I wanted her to write him back! I just wanted more. Just a teensy, tiny, little bit.
Open ended endings aren’t my favorite, and though what I’m left with tells me I can picture a happy ending for these two young lovers…I still question whether or not it actually happened if the author doesn’t tell me herself. I admit that it keeps me awake at night, not knowing. Basically, it was a bit of a disappointment after all my happy-swoony-puddly feelings from the beginning.

But don’t worry you may not even cry, most people that I know that read the book didn’t cry. You may, however, be sighing throughout the whole freaking book.


