Top Ten Tuesday – Fictional Characters that I’d crush on

dab1c7a193a9920884082caecb5bcdb5I’ve been reading a lot of top ten Tuesday posts from other bloggers and some  of them have inspired me.
This weeks topic: Top Ten Fictional Boys I Would Crush On If I Were Also Fictional or if they were real. The only problem is that I just don’t know if I can narrow it down to ten. These authors know how to create some very attractive gentleman.

(In no particular order)

  1. George Knightly (Jane Austen’s Emma) – I know that most people go for Mr.Darcy, and I though we would be in my top ten, but giving it a second though, Mr.Knightly is a much better choice. He is everything that Mr. Darcy should be and a little bit more. He’s funny, sweet, loyal, he wants to help the people that he loves be better and guess what? He’s smart enough to marry is best friend.
  2. Park Sheridan (Rainbow Rowell’s Eleanor & Park) – First of all, he’s half-Korean. I just can’t being to describe how much I crush on good looking Korean guys. 😛 Park is such a great character. He likes comic books, awesome music taste, great sense of style. He’s the sweetest, cutest, most interesting fictional boy that I’ve ever had the pleasure to read. I can’t even being to describe my feelings for him.
  3. Augustus Waters (John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars) – Augustus Waters is the boyfriend I always wanted and the boyfriend I was (am)  also scared to love so much. He’s sweet, he’s sarcastic, he introduces you to video games and makes them really dirty and hysterical, and the most important, he’ll be there for you in the hard times. He is the guy who gives up his own Make-A-Wish request to make sure you got to live your life’s dream. He’ll waste no time because he knows that’s the one thing he can’t give, so he makes sure that all the time you spend together is worth it. But the one true thing that makes Augustus probably one of the best is that he’ll truly love you until the very end.
  4. Etienne St.Clair (Stephanie Perkins Anna and The French Kiss) – It’s really hard not to love Etienne. He’s an America boy with a British accent and French name. He may be a little bit on the short size, but that doesn’t really matter, since he’s so smart, interesting, charming and totally sweet. I just can’t help myself but smile when thinking about him.
  5. Jase Garrett (Huntley Fitzpatrick’s My Life Next Door) – There isn’t much to be said about Jase, but the fact that he is very much perfect. He’s sweet, funny, beautiful and sexy, caring and hardworking.
  6. Peeta Mellark (Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games) –  This catch of a man is clever and classy, rebellious and realistic. With his sharp wit and determination, Peeta is a natural leader who is man enough to let the strong lady in his life shine. Most importantly, he possesses that most underrated of human qualities: kindness. I just find Peeta such a good person and let’s not forget that he bakes!
  7. Ronald Weasley (J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter) – I think that has a boyfriend, Ron would totally be the type to make sure you didn’t take everything so seriously, and let’s face it, if you’re even slightly as high strung as Hermione can be at times, you totally need someone like Ron in your life to remind you not to sweat the small stuff! He’s fiercely loyal and unafraid to stand by his friends, even when it means putting his own life on the line, and I’d say that makes Mr. Ron Weasley quite the catch indeed!
  8. Gilbert Blythe (Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables) – Gilbert is one of the most wonderful men ever written about, period.  From the time he was about thirteen, he has wanted one thing: Anne Shirley’s love.  He is most girls’ idea of “the perfect man,” one who waited for her for years.  He’s so funny and smart and sweet and handsome.  Love him.
  9. Tobias Eaton/Four (Veronica Roth’s Divergent) – Tobias is the bad boy fantasy of my list. He’s tall and dark, has deep blue eyes, and a full lower lip (YUM!).  He’s mysterious, quiet, and likes to think of things first before he does something. He’s also intelligent and loving.
  10. Daemon Black (Jennifer L.Armentrout) –  Daemon is great, that said there isn’t much more to be said. Sexy and arrogant and brooding and hilarious with a very sweet and compassionate side.

I had such a hard time to narrow it down to just ten and I know that I’m probably missing some very important names in here, but this is really difficult. 😛
I would love to know your fictional crushes are! So that I know that I’m not alone with my obsession with fictional man.


Top Ten Tuesday



Hope everyone is having a good week.
So, I’ve decide that every Tuesday, from today onward, I will write a Top Ten post. It can be about anything that I like or hate. So please look forward to it, so that we can discuss our opinions.

I will be starting with, TOP TEN BOOK COUPLES!

All book addicts have their favorite book couples and if you are like me, the list keeps getting bigger by the day.
But, I still have my all time favorites and here is some of them;

  • Elizabeth Bennet & Fitzwilliam Darcy – Pride and Prejudice,
  • Hazel Grace Lancaster & Augustus Waters – The Fault in Our Stars,
  • Margaret Hale & John Thornton – North and South,
  • Wendy Everly & Loki Stadd – The Trylle Trilogy,
  • Anna Oliphant and Étienne St. Clair – Anna and the French kiss,
  • Peeta & Katniss – The Hunger Games,
  • Tessa & Will – The Infernal Devices,
  • Severus Snape & Lily Evans – Harry Potter,
  • Eleanor Douglas & Park Sheridan – Eleanor & Park,
  • Aragorn & Arwen – The Lord of the Rings.

I just love them all and I know that Snape and Lily aren’t actually a couple, but it’s my favorite one-sided love.
Let me know your favorites book couples and if there is any  book that I should read with a great couple.