Fangirl – Book Review

Rating: 4

This book scared me.

There were so many quotes in it that seemed copy-pasted from my own life, like this was some sort of fan-fiction about myself. I saw myself in this girl even though we do different things, make bad decisions but in totally different scenarios… really, it’s scary. Because you see, I still think that this girl is boring, and now I can’t shake this feeling that, in a way, I might be boring too.

I was never a big fan of fan-fiction. I lose interest so quickly and I don’t trust other people with my favorite characters – maybe I’d read for a bit, let myself be entertained for a while, but then I would get to the point when I would think: [insert character’s name here] would never say that, or do this; this wouldn’t possibly happen in this world.
So this me, not a fan-fiction fan.. I’ve never been, at this point it’s quite impossible for me to ever become one.

But my favorite types of books are the ones that speak to you; directly to the reader. The ones that resonate so deeply within your psyche that you feel as though you’re actually learning things about yourself in the process. That is exactly what I experienced while reading Fangirl. If you were to judge by the cover and blurb alone, you may think this story is nothing but a quirky, fun read about a girl addicted to writing fanfic. But I persuade you to take a peek inside, because it’s really so much more…

Fangirl introduces us to Cath and Wren, twin sisters who have always loved Simon Snow. Cath writes fanfiction, hangs out in forums and isn’t ready to give him up even though Wren has. Wren has decided that she wants to forge her own path in college and leaves Cath on her own for the first time.

What I liked the most about FANGIRL is the dynamics between the characters: Cath’s relationship with Nick, with Raegan (her roommate), with Levi (which might or might not be one of Raegan’s boyfriends, and whom might or might not like her back), with Wren (her sister who used to share her passion for Simon stories), with her mother (that one day decided that she was too young to have kids), her father (with whom she had a lovely relationship), with her teacher (that saw the talent in her and wanted to expand her horizons).. is there any relationship in this book left aside, or not having some over-the-roof importance?

The dialog was hilarious, believable, and it never made me cringe (which might not say much, but when it comes to YA stories it’s such a big plus), the writing was beautiful and clever.

On the other side there was this big minus: Cath did nothing to help herself through her misery. If it weren’t for other people that tried to talk to her, to spend time with her, to make her smile.. well, her life would have been so dam sad.
I got angry at her, I wanted to scream at her: get out, live your life! Do what you have to do, that silly story is not the only thing important in life, you know?!
But she never, ever listened! Damn, stubborn girl!

I won’t speak about the story itself, as sometimes it is better to go blindly into a book, but another thing that was quite cute is the romance. I liked both characters, their shyness and the friendship, the confusion, the awkwardness.. everything. It doesn’t take a whole lot of paper space (at least up until some point), but.. yeah, so sweet!

All in one a wonderful story.




February Book Club

So here are the books that I’ve read during the month of February and the books that I will be review in the next few days.

Please look forward to it, I absolutely loved them all, ones more than others, but all of them worthwhile.





