Top Ten Tuesday – Books that will make you cry


This was probably the worst top ten that I had to choose, I’m such an emotional reader that I find it difficult to find a book that didn’t made me cry. I will try my best to find the ones that made me cry the hardest :p
This weeks topic: Books that will make you cry.


(In no particular order)

  1. The Fault in Our Stars (John Green) – Presented without comment. Okay?  *sob* Okay.
  2. The Harry Potter Series  (J.K.Rowling)Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince I wasn’t prepared to loose him, I was too young to be in so much pain, it just broke my poor little heart. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows it wasn’t any of the deaths (major or minor), but rather the very last lines of the very last book. Judge me if you want.
  3. Eleanor and Park (Rainbow Rowell) – I knew this book was going to break my heart. I was right. There were a lot of feels in this one. The characters just became so real to me. I just wanted to hug them and make everything right for them.
  4. Looking for Alaska (John Green) – Oh John Green, is your sole purpose in life to make us all cry?
  5. If I stay and Where She Went (Gayle Forman) This is actually two books, but both of them made me cry like mad, for different reasons.
  6. Norwegian Wood (Haruki Murakami) – Is utterly heartbreaking. Set in 1960s Japan, Murakami’s most famous work follows a university student named Toru, whose life is altered by the suicides of people he loves. It’s a classic story of love, loss, and overcoming grief to seize life.
  7. Beautiful Disaster (Jamie McGuire) – Sweet Jesus, can we just take a moment here to discuss how this book throws your emotions around? I cried easily 3 times during this book.
  9. Allegiant (Veronica Roth) – Choking, punched-in-the-chest, dying from asphyxiation sobs.
  10. The Book Thief ( Markus Zusak) – Predictaby enough, Holocaust books tent to end in tears for us. But this gorgeous, captivating account of nine-year old foster child is probably at the top of our pile.  What’s more romantic than a starving girl who can’t help but steal every book she comes across? Death’s unsentimental narration makes it all more raw.



Fangirl – Book Review

Rating: 4

This book scared me.

There were so many quotes in it that seemed copy-pasted from my own life, like this was some sort of fan-fiction about myself. I saw myself in this girl even though we do different things, make bad decisions but in totally different scenarios… really, it’s scary. Because you see, I still think that this girl is boring, and now I can’t shake this feeling that, in a way, I might be boring too.

I was never a big fan of fan-fiction. I lose interest so quickly and I don’t trust other people with my favorite characters – maybe I’d read for a bit, let myself be entertained for a while, but then I would get to the point when I would think: [insert character’s name here] would never say that, or do this; this wouldn’t possibly happen in this world.
So this me, not a fan-fiction fan.. I’ve never been, at this point it’s quite impossible for me to ever become one.

But my favorite types of books are the ones that speak to you; directly to the reader. The ones that resonate so deeply within your psyche that you feel as though you’re actually learning things about yourself in the process. That is exactly what I experienced while reading Fangirl. If you were to judge by the cover and blurb alone, you may think this story is nothing but a quirky, fun read about a girl addicted to writing fanfic. But I persuade you to take a peek inside, because it’s really so much more…

Fangirl introduces us to Cath and Wren, twin sisters who have always loved Simon Snow. Cath writes fanfiction, hangs out in forums and isn’t ready to give him up even though Wren has. Wren has decided that she wants to forge her own path in college and leaves Cath on her own for the first time.

What I liked the most about FANGIRL is the dynamics between the characters: Cath’s relationship with Nick, with Raegan (her roommate), with Levi (which might or might not be one of Raegan’s boyfriends, and whom might or might not like her back), with Wren (her sister who used to share her passion for Simon stories), with her mother (that one day decided that she was too young to have kids), her father (with whom she had a lovely relationship), with her teacher (that saw the talent in her and wanted to expand her horizons).. is there any relationship in this book left aside, or not having some over-the-roof importance?

The dialog was hilarious, believable, and it never made me cringe (which might not say much, but when it comes to YA stories it’s such a big plus), the writing was beautiful and clever.

On the other side there was this big minus: Cath did nothing to help herself through her misery. If it weren’t for other people that tried to talk to her, to spend time with her, to make her smile.. well, her life would have been so dam sad.
I got angry at her, I wanted to scream at her: get out, live your life! Do what you have to do, that silly story is not the only thing important in life, you know?!
But she never, ever listened! Damn, stubborn girl!

I won’t speak about the story itself, as sometimes it is better to go blindly into a book, but another thing that was quite cute is the romance. I liked both characters, their shyness and the friendship, the confusion, the awkwardness.. everything. It doesn’t take a whole lot of paper space (at least up until some point), but.. yeah, so sweet!

All in one a wonderful story.




Eleanor and Park – Book Review

Rating: 4

I will star by being completely honest by admitting that  I had this book sitting on my desk for a few months and I don’t know why exactly, mostly because I wasn’t sure if I was going to enjoy it. I couldn’t have been more wrong. It’s such a wonderful book.

If I could use one word to describe this story, it would be “adorable”. Eleanor and Park fell in love on the bus listening to ’80’s music and reading comic books. Can it get any cuter than that? I submit that it cannot! Told in alternating points-of-view, this story will grab onto you and not let you go until the ending.

This book gave me that melty, clenchy feeling in my chest, the warm fuzzies in my stomach. I was basically a mess throughout the entire thing. These two characters had my emotions going up and down like someone was beating on them with one of those sledgehammers at a carnival, trying to get them to climb to the top of that lit up pole again and again. And every time I thought they couldn’t go any higher, Park would do or say something else that sent me flying up, up, up…

Eleanor is the new girl in school. She describes herself as chubby and plain. After her mother’s abusive husband kicked Eleanor, she moved in with some family friends. Now, a year later, she’s back living with her mother, step-father, and siblings in a new town and a rather cramped house. The first day of school she gets on the bus and every kid pulls a “you-can’t-sit-here” (think Forrest Gump). The only seat available is the one next Park, and he is less than welcoming.

Eleanor refers to Park as “the stupid Asian kid,” which totally made me giggle. Unlike Eleanor, Park has a relatively normal family. The son of a Vietnam war veteran and Korean native, Park is a music junkie and a boss in taekwondo. Most of the time, he keeps to himself. He doesn’t want to like Eleanor, but it doesn’t take him long to realize that fighting his feelings is a losing battle.

Their love story was slow-building, which is probably my favorite kind of love story (Just like The Fault in Our Stars and Anna and the French Kiss). Park lends Eleanor his headphones and Sony Walkman, and she is immediately drowning in the emotions the music evokes. The adorableness continues when he makes her mix tapes and brings comic books especially for her. It doesn’t take long for their seat buddy status to change from acquaintances to friends to something more. Leading up to the “shouting-from-the-rooftops I love you” moment, Eleanor and Park share secret looks and stolen glances.

Let me tell you, Eleanor & Park contains the hottest hand-holding scene of ALL TIME, hands down (pun intended).

Park always tugged on Eleanor’s scarf or nudged her with his shoulder, but he never actually touched her skin. The build-up to this was almost unbearable.

“As soon as he touched her, he wondered how he’d gone so long without doing it. He rubbed his thumb through her palm and up her fingers, and was aware of her every breath.”

“When he touched, Eleanor’s hand, he recognized her. He knew.”

GAH. I cannot with him. Can. Not. He’s definitely top-five-book-boy material. I don’t think I’ve ever flailed so hard over a simple hand holding scene.

Eleanor tries hard to hide her family life from Park, but he eventually finds out the horrible truth and is willing to do anything to help her get out. His protectiveness and caring nature is what I love most about him. He no longer cared what anyone at school said about her or what his family thought of her. He only wanted her. Just her. No matter what.

Sadly, as Park and Eleanor learn the hard way, sometimes not all first loves are meant to be forever…or are they?

The end of this book left me in tears. Like, legit streaming down my face, stuttering, had to get up and leave the room so that my cat wouldn’t think I was crazy. Any book that as that effect on me usually goes straight to my favorites pile, but I’ll admit, I knocked this one down a star because this ending – though it made sense -was…kind of unfulfilling. I wanted more! I wanted her to CALL HIM. I wanted her to write him back! I just wanted more. Just a teensy, tiny, little bit.
Open ended endings aren’t my favorite, and though what I’m left with tells me I can picture a happy ending for these two young lovers…I still question whether or not it actually happened if the author doesn’t tell me herself. I admit that it keeps me awake at night, not knowing. Basically, it was a bit of a disappointment after all my happy-swoony-puddly feelings from the beginning.

But don’t worry you may not even cry, most people that I know that read the book didn’t cry. You may, however, be sighing throughout the whole freaking book.




Top Ten Tuesday – Fictional Characters that I’d crush on

dab1c7a193a9920884082caecb5bcdb5I’ve been reading a lot of top ten Tuesday posts from other bloggers and some  of them have inspired me.
This weeks topic: Top Ten Fictional Boys I Would Crush On If I Were Also Fictional or if they were real. The only problem is that I just don’t know if I can narrow it down to ten. These authors know how to create some very attractive gentleman.

(In no particular order)

  1. George Knightly (Jane Austen’s Emma) – I know that most people go for Mr.Darcy, and I though we would be in my top ten, but giving it a second though, Mr.Knightly is a much better choice. He is everything that Mr. Darcy should be and a little bit more. He’s funny, sweet, loyal, he wants to help the people that he loves be better and guess what? He’s smart enough to marry is best friend.
  2. Park Sheridan (Rainbow Rowell’s Eleanor & Park) – First of all, he’s half-Korean. I just can’t being to describe how much I crush on good looking Korean guys. 😛 Park is such a great character. He likes comic books, awesome music taste, great sense of style. He’s the sweetest, cutest, most interesting fictional boy that I’ve ever had the pleasure to read. I can’t even being to describe my feelings for him.
  3. Augustus Waters (John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars) – Augustus Waters is the boyfriend I always wanted and the boyfriend I was (am)  also scared to love so much. He’s sweet, he’s sarcastic, he introduces you to video games and makes them really dirty and hysterical, and the most important, he’ll be there for you in the hard times. He is the guy who gives up his own Make-A-Wish request to make sure you got to live your life’s dream. He’ll waste no time because he knows that’s the one thing he can’t give, so he makes sure that all the time you spend together is worth it. But the one true thing that makes Augustus probably one of the best is that he’ll truly love you until the very end.
  4. Etienne St.Clair (Stephanie Perkins Anna and The French Kiss) – It’s really hard not to love Etienne. He’s an America boy with a British accent and French name. He may be a little bit on the short size, but that doesn’t really matter, since he’s so smart, interesting, charming and totally sweet. I just can’t help myself but smile when thinking about him.
  5. Jase Garrett (Huntley Fitzpatrick’s My Life Next Door) – There isn’t much to be said about Jase, but the fact that he is very much perfect. He’s sweet, funny, beautiful and sexy, caring and hardworking.
  6. Peeta Mellark (Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games) –  This catch of a man is clever and classy, rebellious and realistic. With his sharp wit and determination, Peeta is a natural leader who is man enough to let the strong lady in his life shine. Most importantly, he possesses that most underrated of human qualities: kindness. I just find Peeta such a good person and let’s not forget that he bakes!
  7. Ronald Weasley (J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter) – I think that has a boyfriend, Ron would totally be the type to make sure you didn’t take everything so seriously, and let’s face it, if you’re even slightly as high strung as Hermione can be at times, you totally need someone like Ron in your life to remind you not to sweat the small stuff! He’s fiercely loyal and unafraid to stand by his friends, even when it means putting his own life on the line, and I’d say that makes Mr. Ron Weasley quite the catch indeed!
  8. Gilbert Blythe (Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables) – Gilbert is one of the most wonderful men ever written about, period.  From the time he was about thirteen, he has wanted one thing: Anne Shirley’s love.  He is most girls’ idea of “the perfect man,” one who waited for her for years.  He’s so funny and smart and sweet and handsome.  Love him.
  9. Tobias Eaton/Four (Veronica Roth’s Divergent) – Tobias is the bad boy fantasy of my list. He’s tall and dark, has deep blue eyes, and a full lower lip (YUM!).  He’s mysterious, quiet, and likes to think of things first before he does something. He’s also intelligent and loving.
  10. Daemon Black (Jennifer L.Armentrout) –  Daemon is great, that said there isn’t much more to be said. Sexy and arrogant and brooding and hilarious with a very sweet and compassionate side.

I had such a hard time to narrow it down to just ten and I know that I’m probably missing some very important names in here, but this is really difficult. 😛
I would love to know your fictional crushes are! So that I know that I’m not alone with my obsession with fictional man.


Top Ten Tuesday



Hope everyone is having a good week.
So, I’ve decide that every Tuesday, from today onward, I will write a Top Ten post. It can be about anything that I like or hate. So please look forward to it, so that we can discuss our opinions.

I will be starting with, TOP TEN BOOK COUPLES!

All book addicts have their favorite book couples and if you are like me, the list keeps getting bigger by the day.
But, I still have my all time favorites and here is some of them;

  • Elizabeth Bennet & Fitzwilliam Darcy – Pride and Prejudice,
  • Hazel Grace Lancaster & Augustus Waters – The Fault in Our Stars,
  • Margaret Hale & John Thornton – North and South,
  • Wendy Everly & Loki Stadd – The Trylle Trilogy,
  • Anna Oliphant and Étienne St. Clair – Anna and the French kiss,
  • Peeta & Katniss – The Hunger Games,
  • Tessa & Will – The Infernal Devices,
  • Severus Snape & Lily Evans – Harry Potter,
  • Eleanor Douglas & Park Sheridan – Eleanor & Park,
  • Aragorn & Arwen – The Lord of the Rings.

I just love them all and I know that Snape and Lily aren’t actually a couple, but it’s my favorite one-sided love.
Let me know your favorites book couples and if there is any  book that I should read with a great couple.

February Book Club

So here are the books that I’ve read during the month of February and the books that I will be review in the next few days.

Please look forward to it, I absolutely loved them all, ones more than others, but all of them worthwhile.





