2014 Reading Goals

post-it-notes3Last year, I had set a goal to read 150 books throughout the year.  I wasn’t really sure if I was going to have the time to do read that many books, but apparently I can read more than 150 books in a year with no problem at all.

So this year I decided to create another goal!

  1. Read 220 Books. 
    I have already read 39 books this year (I had quite a lot of free time) and according to my calculations, I’m about 18% into the goal. 
  2. Listen to 1 audio Book.
    I truly hate audio books. I can’t seem to take it seriously, but this year, will be different! The book is now on my phone. And I’ve listened to one track from it. This really might take me all year at this rate.
  3. Promptly share books that I’ve finished via my Pinterest board and on Goodreads.
    I’m already doing better at keeping up with this, and not sharing them all in one big flood of pins and feeds at the end of each month. 
  4. Stop buying the same books but with different covers.
    I’m clearly running out of space to store my books, so I should really stop buying the same ones. I just can’t seem to help myself, the designs are all so pretty. 

I will try to update the progress of my goals every month, so that I can keep track of what’s going on.
Do you have any reading goals?
