Top Ten Tuesday – Characters who remind me of myself or someone I know



I think that in every book there is a character that reminds me of someone I know or even myself and most of you probably can relate to that.

This weeks topic:  Characters who remind me of myself or someone I know.

(In no particular order)

  1. Hermione Granger (Harry Potter) While I was growing up and reading the Harry Potter series, Hermione totally reminded me of one classmate who was that geeky over achiever that did extra reports just for the fun of it, who constantly had her hand raised, and though you were crazy for not wanting to be in class. It was awesome to see a character like that who played such an important role in the series.
  2. Mrs. Bennet (Pride and Prejudice) – Pretty much all of my aunts and most female relatives. They just can’t stop themselves from asking, every time that they see me, which I have to say it’s quite often, if I have a boyfriend or if I’m even thinking of getting married and he, whoever he is, should be rich.  
  3. Catherine Morland (Northanger Abbey) – In this novel, Catherine totally finds herself caught up in the fiction she reads to the point that it causes drama in her love life. Yeah, that’s totally happened to me and I can totally see it happening to me in the future.
  4. Katy Swartz (Obsidian) – Katy obviously reminds me of myself, she’s a book lover and it’s easy to relate to all the funny little things she says about  all her book loving and blogging things!
  5. Molly Weasley (Harry Potter) –  Reminds me of my mommy. My mom cooks and cleans her way through the house! But, just like Mrs. Weasley, you do not want to get on her bad side or mess with her kids.
  6.  Rose Hathaway (Vampire Academy) – She really reminds me a lof of my best friend MT. She is strong and doesn’t allow anything to stop her in what she wants to do in life even though she has an underlying soft spot and a fear of a lot of things. She gets knocked down a lot and still somehow manages to pick herself back up. She is unwaveringly loyal to her friends (even though they have their ups and downs) and she fights for those she loves to the death. That is her in a nut shell. In my honest opinion she’s strong when needed to be though, she has her weak moments. She tries and takes life by the horns and live life to the fullest. Friends and family come before herself. Maybe that’s why I connect with Rose so much.
  7. Charlie Bucket (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) – Charlie is the kind, loving, good soul that grounds the book.  He is a dreamer.  The same can be said of my friend, LS.  He is kind, loving and the good soul that grounds me.  He props me up when I need it and tells me the honest truth when he thinks I need it.  He like Charlie, is the underdog that I root for.  His life hasn’t always been easy.  Yet, he soldiers on, always with a kind word and a gentle manner, always trying to better himself, to make his life meaningful and rewarding.  I can’t wait to see how he turns out.  There are great things in store for him.  I can just feel it.
  8. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter) – I like to think that on my better days I channel Luna’s aloof spirit. I’ve always marched to the beat of a different drummer and endured a healthy dose of ridicule for it from my peers as a child. Yet like Luna, I know the value of staying true to yourself, even if that makes you a flamingo among sparrows.

  9. Amy Curry (Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour)Like Amy my friend, AR, tends to be somewhat reserved and guarded. She doesn’t open up to people quickly, and usually gives them limited information about herself. To be honnest I’ve never understood why when you first meet some people they tell you their entire life story.
  10. Jo March (Little Women) – I’ll take the leap. I always find myself gravitating back to Jo each year, reading Little Women with slightly different eyes. Each time I read it, I want to be like Amy or Beth, but I always end up with Jo. She’s a tough girl – the tomboy – and the one who speaks her mind and shows her beliefs by her actions. Like Jo, I’ve never been entirely comfortable in my place in the world, and have felt slightly off of my friends and colleagues. It takes a while for Jo to find her place in the world and when she does, it’s not necessarily where everyone expects her to be. Still, she ends up happy, and that’s all I could ever ask for myself.


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