Anna and the French Kiss – Book Review

Rating: 5

Absolutely LOVED this book!
If you haven’t read it, please do yourself a favor and go and buy this book.

Everyone was telling me to read this book, how it has amazing reviews on goodreads and that I should give it a try. So, eventually I purchased the copy on my kindle, soon after finishing the book I went and bought the hard cover. I just had to have this book!

For those of you who don’t know what this book is about, I will give you a brief description;
Anna Oliphant’s father is shipping her off to France to attend her senior year of high school at the School of America in Paris. She is leaving behind a little brother whom she adores, a best friend who is her other half, and a budding relationship with her very attractive co-worker. All these things she is being forced to trade for a country who’s language she doesn’t speak, where she is an outsider and she doesn’t even want to go. Her senior year looks bleak, to say the least, and then things start to look much better, when she meets Etienne St. Clair: one part American, one part British, one part French, and all parts everything she’s ever wanted in a boyfriend. The only problem is that he already was a girlfriend…

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins is a wonderful read, filled with humor, romance and those sentimental moments that make you tear up and get the stomach butterflies. It just so well written that it sweeps the reader up into the story. Not to mention the trip through Paris that the author takes us, exploring the food, culture, landmarks, and so much more. The secondary characters add both drama and a whole lot of humor. The main protagonist is clueless in a sweet kind of way, avoiding getting on my nerves through out the book.  And her love interest is just an adorable man-boy with a side of extremely smexy (sexy and smart). He was one of those characters that made my heart skip a beat just by reading his name alone. 😛

One of the things that I love the most about this book is that Anna and Etienne’s relationship is a slow build. Their attraction to one another is clearly apparent from the instant they meet, and yet Stephanie Perkins takes the time to build a strong foundation for their relationship based on common interests and personality, a definite departure from the seemingly more popular trends of late of couples falling blindly in love with one another at first sight, it’s refreshing and fun.

To summarize Anna and the French Kiss is beyond hilarious, sweetly romantic, and simply awesome. I could read this book a million times over and never tire of it. Please,please don’t hesitate about this book…READ IT!



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